Thing 1: Down
After nearly 2 years of running an OpenCanary in Oracle Cloud, it seems they decided to kill the...

OpenCanary 3.0: HowTo
Host and Operating System The basis for any OpenCanary installation is the operating system. Linux is preferred, it...

OpenCanary 3.0 – Evolution not Revolution
USA versus Germany versus Switzerland The OpenCanary trio have been running for some time but, looking at the...

The Canary in the Cloud
OpenCanary 2.0 in Oracle Cloud continues to flourish. The main reporting mechanism is a webhook into Loggly from...

OpenCanary 2.0: More Ports, More Protocols….
Putting an OpenCanary into the Cloud is a free and fun way to see what the Internet background...

OpenCanary in the Cloud
I guess it is not a typical deployment of OpenCanary but as an interesting research topic, one of...