Monthly Statistics
Canary, Hits? Starting with the big numbers, the three OpenCanary instances have seen nearly 5.5 million events in...

OpenCanary 3.0: HowTo
Host and Operating System The basis for any OpenCanary installation is the operating system. Linux is preferred, it...

OpenCanary 3.0 – Evolution not Revolution
USA versus Germany versus Switzerland The OpenCanary trio have been running for some time but, looking at the...

Splunk Migration
Too much success with logs Today, it became clear that the virtual host I created for Splunk to...

OpenCanary: One week in Splunk
The OpenCanary has been feeding Splunk via WebHook for over a week now and the statistics are becoming...

Improving OpenCanary Logging
The Loggly solution I’ve been using is basic and limited, basically being able to give an overview of...